Sunday, September 5, 2010

Halloween Post Cards

I love old postcards. They are snapshots in time of culture and history. Here are some vintage Halloween postcards and greeting card images I've collected from around the web. They are pretty hung as decorations or used in craft projects. Or they are just fun to share!

Did you notice tht several of the cards reference discovering the identity of one's future lover by looking in a mirror on Halloween? There are many superstitions related to mirrors.

But, Halloween night is the most popular time for using the mirror to discover a future mate. These Halloween "games" provide a fascinating insight into mirror magic and scrying as it was used among the common folk.

Apple Slices: At midnight sit down in front of a mirror and cut an apple into nine slices. Eat each slice from the tip of the knife. Before you eat the ninth slice, the image of your future lover will appear in the mirror and ask you for the final piece of apple.

Hair Combing: Stand before a mirror in a candlelit room and comb your hair. You will soon see the image of your lover-to-be standing behind you.
Cellar Stairs: Hold a mirror in front of you while walking down the dark cellar stairs backwards. You will see your intended's reflection in the mirror.

Happy (Jolly) Halloween to you!

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