My dear husband recently returned from costco with a find that he was rather proud of - "green" vodka. Vodka? Why, yes... now your booze can be "green" too. The brand is 360 Vodka with the byline of "the world's first eco luxury vodka." The packaging and production are touted as ecologically friendly. True, the labeling utilizes the familiar rough brown and pleasing dark green ink we have come to identify will all things environmentally friendly. Somehow, that is not what my husband noticed when he picked it up. Instead he was attracted by the fact the vodka is produced locally in Weston, Missouri at a division of McCormick's.

Beyond first look, 360 Vodka promotes several positive environmental impacts (according to about.com):
85% recycled glass bottle (70% post-consumer waste)
100% recycled paper used for labeling and marketing
Shipping materials made of 100% recycled material
Water based inks used for all printed material
"Close the Loop" program for returning/recycling bottle closures to the distillery
Locally grown grain reduces fossil fuels used for transport
The distillery has it's own water treatment plant
Carbon dioxide reclamation process that prevents the gas from escaping into the atmosphere
Sulfur dioxide emissions reduced 99.7% and polluting dust particles reduced 50% in entire distillation process in comparison with traditional distilling
Most interesting is the Close the Loop program to reuse the bottle stoppers. Included in the packaging now is a postage-paid envelope to return the stopper to the distillery.

So, how does it taste you ask? Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), I am not a connoisseur of premium vodkas. For more complete reviews, click here and for a video review click here. Maybe this Earth Day you will imbibe the 360 in a Greentini or in Planetary Punch. In any case, I hope you consider the efffects of green marketing in your consumer choices. More broadly (and more importantly) consider whether or not the eco-revival of sorts that we are experiencing is truly the "critical mass" shift in our collective western conciousness or the result of calculated, profit motivated marketing... marketing that may fail when the trend has run its course. Is green vodka here to stay?